Let more people know about the landmines around the world and get involved! One Mine One Life is impartial and independent of any government, political persuasion, corporation or religious creed.

In Cambodia, more than 64,000 wounded and more than 25,000 amputees have been registered since 1979.

ICBL stresses the huge amount of landmines victims - children:

ICBL stresses the huge amount of landmines victims – children: “Children who are injured by landmines will face months of recovery… if they don’t die and if they get treated in time. Many are killed on the spot due to blood loss, shock, or damage to vital organs. A growing child with a prosthetic limb will need it refitted each year. Some children never return to school after their accident. Many faced social exclusion, for example, they are not seen as fit to marry. Like adult victims, they will face enormous practical, economic, social, and psychological challenges in their rehabilitation and reintegration process.”

My dream and goal is to engage as many civilians, leaders and organizations as possible to mobilize the international community and clean the world from landmines.


Today, in many places in the world landmines still claim the lives of innocent people.

The world is too little aware of the suffering of landmines victims, killed or maimed by these barbaric weapons, sitting on the ground sometimes from 40 years or more, before they will explode under the child’s feet. These weapons of war kill in peacetime.

The Fourth Review Conference for a Mine Free World in Oslo


The Fourth Review Conference for a Mine Free World took place in Oslo, on November 25-29. State parties to the Mine Ban Treaty adopted a five-year action plan, containing 50 points. That will ensure mine clearance and other treaty obligations are met by the year 2025.

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was invited to that important meeting with Royal Families of Norway and Belgium, the Norwegian government and all organizations and representatives of countries involved in the campaign for Mine Free World.

Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and Princess Astrid were present at the opening of the fourth supervisory conference in Oslo City Hall. It should be recalled that Norway was strongly instrumental in the adoption of the Mining Convention in Oslo in 1997 and also holds the presidency of the Mining Convention this year.

Crown Prince Haakon said: “I believe this is a testimony to the importance of the topic and the occasion. You are here to discuss a problem that needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. Many of you are all too familiar with the real costs of the landmine problem – in terms of human suffering, broken communities and lost development opportunities.”

20 years have passed since the entry into force of the Convention prohibiting the production, use, storage and export of anti-personnel landmines. Mine Ban Convention as a result of an unprecedented process involving partnerships between the states and civil society organizations.

One of our generation’s biggest challenges are landmines still killing children around the globe.

There are still 100 million landmines around the world and the demining is not happening fast enough. Our generation must be the first, which will absolutely not accept the concept of landmines causing crimes against humanity – killing children, civilians, medics, or aid workers.

By one United Nations estimate, the cost of a landmine is between $3 and $75 while the cost of removing it is between $300 and $1000!


We need to humanize the landmine statistic of survivors and victims. The world is too little aware of the suffering of the landmines victims, killed or maimed by these barbaric weapons, sitting on the ground sometimes from 40 years or more, before they will explode under the child’s feet. These weapons of war kill in peacetime. Cambodia is still one of the most heavily mined countries in the world.

Dozens of civilians are injured or killed every year by them. Millions of the landmines have now been cleared, but there is still a long way to go. We need your involvement! Let more people know about the landmines around the world and get involved!

In Cambodia, more than 64,000 wounded and more than 25,000 amputees have been registered since 1979.

Princess Diana’s involvement in the anti-mines cause implied a call for a worldwide ban on mines. In 1999, 122 countries signed the Ottawa Treaty, which prohibits the use, production, stockpiling and transfer of anti-personnel mines. Thirty-three countries, however, have not signed the Mine Ban Treaty.

Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha as humanitarian and anti-landmine activist support an anti-landmine campaign and together with the UN Peacekeepers NGOs will provide necessary measures on collections of funds and providing of medical support for rehabilitation of kids – victims of conflicts on the international level. Princess Angelika continues her international activity under the flag of SPIA Humanitarian Support and Development as cooperation part of SPIA East Europe & Asia and SPIA Humanitarian Development under the umbrella of UN Global Protection Cluster Program for UN Mine Ban Treaty.

Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha is a patron of the Cambodia Landmine Museum (founded by Aki Ra Top Hero by CNN), Cambodian Self Help Demining and Landmine Relief Fund. Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha appeals to the world to mobilize the international community to support the international antilandmine campaign, demining organizations in Cambodia and raise awareness about the “underground devil”- millions of landmines that are still lying active in the ground around the world. I will appeal that our generation must clean the world from landmines. Mine Free World must become a reality. Her dream and goal is to engage as much civilians, leaders and organizations as possible to mobilize the international community and clean the world from landmines before 2025. She spend months in Asia, especially in Cambodia by her own initiative and funds to be dedicated to that humanitarian action. Angelika met there victims of landmines, dedicated people, who devoted their lives to mine clearing. She met members of royal families, humanitarian and peace leaders and organizations supporting international peace.

There was a time, when there were more landmines than people. She realized, that without strong involvement of international community, we will not achieve mine free world.

To achieve #landminefree2025, we need a strong involvement and support from the international donor community, private sector, and individuals. Thats’s why it’s just a beginning of her anti-landmine campaign to raise international awareness and support mine clearance.

We invite you all to the cooperation for that important mission! We need to remember, that civilian casualties remain extremely high. Landmines affect everyone and 71 percent of casualties being civilians. Landmine does not distinguish between soldier’s foot and children’s foot.

The world is too little aware of the waste of life, limb and land which antipersonnel landmines are causing among some of the poorest people on earth.


Princess Angelika's work