​worldwide movement that works for a world free from anti-personnel landmines

International Day of Peace – Peace One Day Live – Interview with Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha and her broadcasting from Poland.

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha Interview about anti-personel landmines | Peace One Day – Peacekeepers Live 2023

Institute of Cultural Affairs International together with the One Mine One Lifeglobal movement and campaign against landmines are honored to convey the invitation for Mr. Jeremy Francis Gilley MBE, Founder of Peace One Day to be an honourable speaker at the Parallel Event “Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit” during the NGO CSW67 Forum in New York on March 7 at 2.30 PM EST in CCUN United Nations.

Co-sponsors/Organizers: Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha, Geopolitical Alliance of Women, PAX Mundi Foundation, ICAO International, One Mine One Life Global Campaign and Movement for a Mine-Free World.

A landmine-free world should be the United Nations’ 18th Sustainable Development Goal.

We want to appeal to the United Nations for an additional 18 SDG Goal – A MINE-FREE WORLD.

Landmines continue to kill and injure civilians, destroy livelihoods, deny land use, and disrupt access to essential services in more than 60 countries and territories.

Anti-personnel mines violate one of the most important, non-negotiable human rights – to live and develop, and function without constant fear.

More than 60 000 000 people every day live in fear of being killed or maimed by landmines.

What tools, and models of modern education and upbringing will help young people become those leaders who will ensure peace and security in the global world in the future?

What can we women and men do today to empower these future leaders?

The Parallel Event: „Young Change Makers – Future Leaders with The Global Goals Spirit” will także place during the sixty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women in New York

Mine Risk Education Ukraine

Streaming from the “Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit” in New York during the NGO CSW67 Forum assisting the Commission of the Status of Women in the United Nations.


During the “Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit” there will be an exhibition of children’s paintings about peace.

Peace is more than just the absence of conflict. Peace is the greatest value, but its maintenance requires constant work and moral education of the young generation.We must promote moral education and build sensitivity in the youngest, who will one day be adults, shaping the future and future of our world. Each human step began with a single thought.


Download the One Mine One Life board, post on your social media with tags: #onemineonelife #landminefree and help us promote a world free of mines!


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Polish princess, peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha joined the Roots of Peace delegation in Scotland for the United Nations International Day for Mine Awareness. Heidi Kuhn, founder and CEO of Roots of Peace, is expanding the organisation’s mission efforts in Ukraine. It should be noted that the “humanitarian corridors” in Ukraine, where children often run and play, are contaminated with mines.

The Roots of Peace has announced a mobilization to clean up the area where the tragedy took place. The Polish princess, who was closely involved in the initiative, also gave an interview to the media.According to Ednews, Angelika Jaroslawska said in an interview that she wants to clear the earth of mines, which are a scourge of mankind.

As the service was broadcasted worldwide, she appealed to the global community to support international demining action and to help Ukraine, where innocent children die every day.

What is more, newly planted landmines in Ukraine are killing and maiming civilians and children.

Whoever changes one life, changes the whole world.

Everyone can create an impact. Those who are bringing humanitarian assistance in the field and are daily putting their life at risk urgently needs our support. She expressed her deep gratitude to all the wonderful people of goodwill from Poland who are very dedicated to this mission and her humanitarian team.

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was honored to speak at the Queen’s church, Canongate Kirk in Edinburgh.

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One Mine One Life Worldwide Movement for Mine-free World.


On March 21, 2022, a Parallel Event ‘One Mine One Life Worldwide Movement for a Mine-Free World‘ took place during the sixty-sixth session (CSW66) of the Commission on the Status of Women in United Nations, New York.

The NGO CSW Forum runs parallel to the official session of the Commission of the Status of Women taking place at the UN Headquarters.

More than 1/4 of the world’s countries and territories ​are contaminated with landmines.

2020 saw high numbers of recorded casualties caused by landmines and ERW. At least 7,073 people were killed or injured in 54 countries and areas, with mines including improvised types, responsible for the majority of all casualties.

We decided to continue the great work of those, who devoted themselves to clear the world from landmines.

The Mine Ban Treaty, which became international law in 1999 and today has 164 States Parties, bans the use of landmines that detonate due to human contact, also known as “victim-activated antipersonnel mines.”

Landmine does not distinguish between a soldier’s foot and a child’s foot.

Paul Jefferson, one of the earliest humanitarian deminers said “a landmine is the perfect soldier: Ever courageous, never sleeps, never misses”. It is estimated that there are 110 million landmines in the ground right now. An equal amount is in stockpiles waiting to be planted or destroyed.

It's time for our young generation to make mine free world. It's time for us. For you and me.

If landmines don’t kill, they deprive human beings of the most important, inalienable, and indivisible rights that each of us is entitled to and results from our dignity. Landmines are inhumane and indiscriminate weapons that kill in war and peacetime.