Young Change Makers - Future Moral Leaders
with the Global Goals Spirit

Institute of Cultural Affairs International together with the One Mine One Life global movement and campaign against a Mine-Free World are honored to convey the invitation for the Parallel Event “Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit” during the NGO CSW67 Forum in New York on March 7 at 2.30 PM EST in CCUN United Nations.

Co-sponsors/Organizers: Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha, Geopolitical Alliance of Women, PAX Mundi Foundation, ICA International, One Mine One Life Global Campaign and Movement for a Mine-Free World.

The Educational Ukrainian Hub in Bucharest due to the war in Ukraine has developed a Project In Bucharest organized by Ukrainian women who are members of the Geopolitical Alliance of Women in broad partnership with other organisations from Romania. The Hub was visited by the First Lady of the United States of America and the First Lady of Romania.

Together with “Young Change Makers” – the book series about peace, culture, humanitarian work, and global educational platform by International Peace Ambassador Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha, and in partnership with the International History Olympiad – the largest academic competition for global students to call on all women leaders to open dialogue about moral education and equitable access to education for young leaders, the equal partnership of girls and boys – for the future with responsible leaders, without wars and suffering.

The biggest landmine threat since World War II, a minefield of 250,000 square kilometers, is in Ukraine, making it “the largest minefield in the world.”

What tools, and models of modern education and upbringing will help young people become those leaders who will ensure peace and security in the global world in the future?

What can we women and men do today to empower these future leaders?

Young Change Makers

Books for children about the beauty of the different parts of the Globe, sustainable development goals, culture, history, the beauty of nature, and respect for other nationalities, cultures and religions.

Parallel Event Highlights:

International anti-landmine campaign - The Educational Ukrainian Hub - Young Change Makers - Book series about peace, culture, humanitarian work - Voice from the bottom of Ukraine - The Independent Delegation of Ukrainian Women to the UN about the humanitarian situation, landmines in Ukraine and educational challenges - International History Olympiad - the worlds premiere academic competition for history students; challenges in education in the digital age - The appeal for the new SDG GOAL - A Mine Free World

Streaming from the “Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit” in New York during the NGO CSW67 Forum assisting the Commission of the Status of Women in the United Nations.

Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 2:30 PM EST
CCUN 10th Floor

A landmine-free world should be the United Nations’ 18th Sustainable Development Goal

We want to appeal to the United Nations for an additional 18 SDG Goal – A MINE-FREE WORLD.

Landmines continue to kill and injure civilians, destroy livelihoods, deny land use, and disrupt access to essential services in more than 60 countries and territories.

Anti-personnel mines violate one of the most important, non-negotiable human rights – to live and develop, and function without constant fear.

More than 60 000 000 people every day live in fear of being killed or maimed by landmines.

Women. Geopolitics. Peace. Statement

The Educational Ukrainian Hub in Bucharest due to the war in Ukraine has developed a Project In Bucharest organized by Ukrainian women who are members of the Geopolitical Alliance of Women in broad partnership with other organisations from Romania. The Hub was visited by the First Lady of the United States of America and the First Lady of Romania.

Empower the Next Generation: NGO CSW67 Forum's Young Change Makers Parallel Event

Jeremy Gilley

Powerful speech of Jeremy Gilley, Founder of Peace One Day, which involved millions of people around the globe in the cause of awareness of the value of peace. Documentary film maker.

Alex Munyambabazi

Founder & CEO of Amputee Self-Help Network Uganda. Advocate for landmine survivors and disability rights.

It was such an honor to speak as a distinguished Young Change Makers during the Parallel Event: “Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit”, among such an accomplished, distinguished Speakers – globally recognized humanitarians, like Jeremy Gilley, who’s work toward peace reach not even millions, but billions people around the globe.

As a representative of a young generation, I’m grateful to the organiser, Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha for creating an opportunity for me to speak during this distinguished event, but also for mentoring and support to become a Young Change Maker.

I was very much touched by the speech of Svitlana Salamatova, Head of the Ukrainian Women in the UN Project, Head of the independent delegation of Ukrainian women in the UN, co-organizer of the event, who as a women leader is a great inspiration and role model.

As a member of the Polish Peace Corps, One Mine One Life global campaign and movement for a mine-free world, and a Young Change Maker, I believe that peace and respect for all humans is the greatest value in the world. 

One Mine One Life  helped me to realize that we as a young generation can be advocates of important matters. And that we can shape the future, which will be more inclusive and free from wars and cruelty. 

Because of that, I have decided to lead the Polish edition of the “Children Painting Peace” , an international contest initiated by Princess Angelika, which aims to educate about the value of peace.

I want to thank Maja Michalak who helped me very much with leading the contest and everyone who took part in it, these people can easily call themselves young change makers because they are already at such a young age and are making the world a better place.

– Adrianna Szmigiel, Young Change Maker



Parallel Event Organizers

HSH Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławska Sapieha International Peace Ambassador, humanitarian, philanthropist, anti-landmine activist, entrepreneur. International Peace Ambassador by SPIA HSD Soldiers of Peace International Association Humanitarian Support and Development, United Nations Peacekeepers NGO’s with General Consultative Status of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Initiator and patron of the global “One Mine One Life” campaign and movement towards a mine-free world. Honorary Ambassador and member of the Polish Peace Corps. Global anti-landmine activist, peace activist, humanitarian. Initiator and coordinator of economic projects that promote culture and history. Patron of the Cambodia Landmine Museum, Cambodian Self Help Demining, Landmine Relief Fund and Roots of Peace.

She was chosen one of “30 before 30” by Forbes magazine. Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha is the head of the Geopolitical Alliance of Women Board and since several years a member of the independent delegation of Ukrainian women to the United Nations, which participated in the work of 64, 65 and 66 sessions of the UN Commission on the Status of Women. She took the patronage over the exhibition “Children in War”, which had its premieres in seventeen countries, as well as in the European Parliament and the headquarters of the United Nations in New York. In August 2020, the former Blues Helmets meeting in Committee, awarded Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha by the Commemorative Medal of Peace . In June 2022 Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received a special medal ” Star of Cambodia ” from United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) for her long- standing humanitarian support for Cambodia and support for demining action in Cambodia.

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha

Peace Ambassador, philanthropist, initiator of “One Mine One Life” global campaign and movement for a mine-free world, head of the board of Geopolitical Alliance of Women

Svitlana Salamatova

Organizer President of Geopolitical Alliance of Women, Head of Independent Delegation of Ukrainian

Women to the UN, Co-founder of NGO ICA Ukraine Independent Delegation of Ukrainian Women to the United Nations

Head of the Independent Expanded Delegation of Ukrainian Women to the UN.

President of “Geopolitical Alliance of Women”; Top manager; Co-founder of the NGO “Institute of Cultural Affairs – Ukraine”.

Master in Project Management; Author and Head of the project “Ukrainian women in support of the UN”.

Specialist in Participatory Strategic Management and Leadership. Expert on interaction between authorities and the public, trainer of the ULEAD program in Ukraine; Author of successful projects “The Renaissance of a Woman”, Women’s Partnership Forum; Women’s Leadership and Democratic Governance Development Program; Civic Activist.

Author and presenter of the television program “Civil Power”, co-host of the Beauty Business Bureau, Guest editor of the women’s magazine “Cosmo Lady”

During the “Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit” there will be an exhibition of children’s paintings about peace. Learn more about the “Children’s Painting Peace” here!