Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha together with the Polish Peace Corps supports Ukraine. 800 tones of humanitarian aid to the hospitals in Ukraine this year.
For many months, Peace Ambassador Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha, together with the Polish Peace Corps organized medical equipment, logistics and warehouses.
Among specialist medical equipment given for the hospitals to Ukraine is an ultrasound machine, operating table, 55 wheelchairs, specialized wheelchairs for rehabilitation, gynecological operation table, examination table, surgery lamp, toilet wheelchairs, ultrasound scanner, surgical monitors, megascope for highlighting X-ray images, scales for the treatment room, 80 inch screen, cleaning carts for hospitals, mattresses for hospital beds, medical couches, 20 computers, and more. Another humanitarian aid transport for Ukraine is planned for this month.
The Polish Peace Corps is engaged in humanitarian activities and is 100% pro publico bono and is a non-governmental organisation. Polish Peace Corps volunteers took part in over 900 humanitarian missions.
The Royal Bridge Family Office, led by Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha of Poland, have announced an official strategic partnership in bringing swift humanitarian aid to Ukraine amid reports of Russia’s illegal use of landmines along humanitarian refugee pathways out of Ukraine. Roots of Peace founder Heidi Kuhn and Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha of Poland met in Edinburgh on International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action to seal their organizations’ partnership. The partnership will immediately focus on bringing direct aid to Ukraine.

Newly planted landmines and explosives in Ukraine will last for decades. International support is urgently needed. Analysis of the current mine situation in Ukraine.
There are newly planted landmines along humanitarian corridors that were supposed to be designed for the safe evacuation of civilians, children.
Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky warned the population on Saturday that the retreating Russians were generating a real “catastrophe” because they were leaving mines all over the territory, even “in houses and corpses.” As a result of full-scale Russian aggression, Ukraine has become one of the largest mined areas in the world.
Letter of gratitude for the Royal Bridge Family Office for its assistance in providing transportation services to deliver humanitarian aid to hospitals, military hospitals, and the medical rehabilitation center for Anti-terrorist operation combatants, which is extremely important for all refugees and victims of the terrible war in Ukraine.

The following areas are commonly coordinated and realized:
Organizing transports with humanitarian aid for Ukrainian People.
Organizing for Ukrainian People temporary place for living.
Organizing for the Ukrainian Children place where the on-line classes could take a place,
Supporting Ukrainian People in adaptation process in Poland, in particular in finding employment.
Organizing for Ukrainian People transport if interested in travelling to the other EU or Non-EU Countries,
Demining territory of Ukraine. The removal of landmines along humanitarian corridors where innocent Ukrainian refugee children are losing life and limb as they flee for the borders with their mothers. These cruel landmines are designed like toys—teddy bears, shiny objects and butterflies–to temp the hands of a child.
There are an estimated 60 million landmines in 60 countries. Together, we are committed to turn MINES TO VINES—replacing landmines with vineyards and orchards worldwide. ONE MINE, ONE LIFE at a time.
8. Together, we call forth the UN to develop the 18th SDG—Sustainable Development Goal—the eradication of landmines. The removal of landmines is the underpinning of sustainable peace on earth, as the other 17 SDG’s may not be accomplished in minefields. We call forth a Landmine-Free World.

Newly planted landmines in Ukraine are killing and maiming children.
Using landmines on Ukrainian territories is a crime according to international and national law.

The patron of the World Demining campaign.
Due to the difficult war situation in Ukraine, Ukrainian children from orphanages and those who fled their homeland before the war also participate in this year’s project. Princess Angelika regularly visits children and their families, devoting herself to talking about peace and manifesting this passion in numerous drawings and paintings.
Princess Angelika pays special attention to the worldwide community to the problem of PTSD among children affected by war and its consequences. Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the children there are experiencing the devastating consequences of living in a war zone – post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression are the most common mental health disorders in the aftermath of war – for both adults and children. Children who experience repeated trauma may develop a kind of emotional numbing to deaden or block the pain and trauma. Refugee children suffer both from the effects of coming from a war zone and of adjusting to an unfamiliar culture. These stressors also affect their families which in turn has an adverse effect on them. And the longer wars go on, the worse it is for children. Children who have witnessed war and conflict have higher rates of depression and anxiety long into adulthood.

Ukrainian officials claimed that the Russians were using PFM-1 air-dropped anti-personnel mines. The shape of the PFM-1 is dictated by function, but the fact remains that it is attractive to children. Russia is reportedly using air-dropped butterfly mines in Ukraine that look like plastic toys.

In March a special gala “Polish Businesswoman Awards” took place, where Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was awarded. At the Gala there was a special auction for children from Ukraine, organized by SOS Wioski Dziecięce. Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha prepared for an auctions paintings created by Ukrainian children for the contest “Children Painting Peace” in 2021. The auction was a great success. In total, from auctions more than 50 000 złoty was collected for necessary support for Ukrainian children.

Ukrainian officials claimed that the Russians were using PFM-1 air-dropped anti-personnel mines. The shape of the PFM-1 is dictated by function, but the fact remains that it is attractive to children. Russia is reportedly using air-dropped butterfly mines in Ukraine that look like plastic toys.