Twenty-five years ago, Princess Diana stepped out onto an active minefield in Angola to aid in the call for an international ban on landmines.

A worldwide movement ‘One Mine One Life’ represents the generation of change-makers. Inspired by anti-landmine activist Princess Diana, we continue the action of raising awareness about landmines and demining the world. 24 years after the death of Princess Diana, Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha is a strong supporter of the global anti-landmine campaign.

Princess Diana led a campaign for a worldwide ban on landmines. Princess Diana stepped out onto an active minefield in Angola to aid in the call for an international ban on landmines.

Today, the international effort to eradicate landmines around the world continues.

We invite you to be a part of the One Mine One Life community and create a butterfly effect. Speak up about your disagreement with the concept of inhumane weapons of war – landmines. Educate about landmines and landmine victims. Support demining organizations and work of the brave people who risk their lives to clear the world from landmines.

One Mine One Life represents the generation of changemakers who became the voice of those who were wounded and physically broken by landmines.


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